We understand the vital importance of professional education for salon partners, and we also understand that technical education needs vary salon team to salon team, and business to business. For that reason, we offer our Education Concierge Rebate Program to qualifying partners in our PROffered Partner Program.

Qualifying salons are free to book technical education from any source they desire. After completing the class, the invoices relevant to the cost of the class including class costs, mannequin costs, and travel and accommodation costs may be submitted for rebate up to the remaining balance of the rebate allowance at the time of redemption.

Education Concierge rebate allowances are awarded based on quarterly spend levels and relate to the PROffered Partner Program. These rebate allowances are offered in the form of product purchase credits. Credits are awarded quarterly, and expire after 12 months. Rebate credits and allowance redemption should be coordinated with the associated Salon Development Agent.

Qualifying Levels


Quarterly Spend: <$1,500.00

Rebate Allowance: $0.00/QTR

Preferred Partner

Quarterly Spend: $1,500.00 - $4,499.99

Rebate Allowance: $150.00/QTR

Premium Partner

Quarterly Spend: $4,500.00 - $8,999.99

Rebate Allowance: $500.00/QTR

Prestige Partner

Quarterly Spend: $9,000.00 - $17,999.99

Rebate Allowance: $1,000.00/QTR

Elite Partner

Quarterly Spent: >$18,000.00

Rebate Allowance: $2,200.00/QTR